The advantages that the UDC offers to researchers receiving ERC grants as a host university can be summarised in three sections/


Despite its novelty, the UDC has many researchers who are outstanding in their fields. The university provides a science park with different research centres and university institutions that cover a wide range of fields of knowledge.


The UDC is divided between two university campuses in A Coruña and Ferrol. Both cities are welcoming places next to the sea, with a pleasant climate that is easy to adapt to.


The UDC is a university with a stable economy that promotes the efficient use of its resources from both an economic and environmental point of view.

The UDC aims to contribute to the cultural, social and environmental development of society through the generation, management and dissemination of culture and scientific, technological and professional knowledge. According to its strategic plan, its objective is to provide a public and quality service.

The UDC is a new and dynamic university (in 2014 it celebrated its 25th anniversary) that is constantly looking for new opportunities to improve. It is a public institution that provides quality in its research and in its services.

HR Research Excellence

As part of its commitment to attracting the best research talent, in September 2016, the University of A Coruña joined the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C). These instruments establish the rights and obligations of researchers and the institutions that employ and fund them to apply transparent and fair recruitment procedures. The C&C contains a total of 40 principles that are grouped into 4 blocks: Ethical Aspects, Recruitment, Work Conditions and Training.


The correct application of the C&C makes institutions more attractive to researchers, improving also the appeal of national research systems, and contributing to the development of the European labour market and the consolidation of the European Research Area.

The University of A Coruña obtained the quality seal “HR Excellence in Research” on 7 June 2017, and on 8 July 2019, it received a favourable assessment of the seal’s implementation measures in its Interim Phase (Implementation Phase Interim Assessment) from EURAXESS.


The “HR Excellence in Research” seal offers public recognition to research institutions that made progress in aligning their HR policies with the principles defined in the C&C. The institutions that are recognised have the right to use the seal to highlight their commitment to implementing transparent research recruitment and evaluation procedures.


All the information is available on the UDC website.

HR Excelencia en Investigación

Como parte do compromiso de atraer o mellor talento investigador, a Universidade da Coruña, en setembro de 2016, adheriuse á Carta europea de investigadores e ao Código de conducta para a contratación de investigadores (C&C). Estes establecen os dereitos e obligacións dos investigadores e as institucións que os empregan e financian a aplicar procedementos de contratación transparentes e xustos. O C&C contén en total 40 principios que se agrupan en 4 bloques: Aspectos Éticos, Reclutamento, Condicións de traballo e Formación.


A correcta aplicación do C&C fai as institucións máis atractivas para os investigadores, mellorando tamén o atractivo dos sistemas de investigación nacionais, e contribuíndo ao desenvolvemento do mercado laboral europeo e a consolidación do Espazo Europeo da Investigación.

A Universidade da Coruña obtivo o selo de calidade “HR Excellence in Research” o 7 de xuño de 2017 e o 8 de xullo de 2019 recibiu de EURAXESS unha avaliación favorable das medidas de implementación do selo, na súa fase intermedia (Implementation Phase Interim Assessment).


O selo “HR Excellence in Research” ofrece recoñecemento público ás institucións de investigación que progresaron no aliñamento das súas políticas de recursos humanos cos principios definidos no C&C. As institucións xa recoñecidas teñen o dereito de empregar o selo para destacar o seu compromiso de implementar procedementos transparentes de contratación e avaliación de investigadores.


Toda a información pódese consultar na web da UDC.