Past Training Sessions/

On the upcoming Tuesday, October 10th, the Office for Researcher Recruitment (OCPI) is organizing a new training session within the framework of the Training Program in Transversal Competences for researchers at UDC.

This time, the session will be dedicated to ‘Oral Communication’ and will take place in the CUFIE Training Room at ESCI (floor -4), from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The main objective of this training is to enhance the effectiveness of presentations as a communication tool, focusing on oral language and body dynamics while speaking.

The session will be led by Eva García Muntión, Director of RTDI Innovation School. We will address differences between in-person and online presentations, the narrative of the discourse, and how to increase bidirectionality in oral communication.

Session Details:

  • Topic: Oral Communication
  • Date: Tuesday, October 10th
  • Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
  • Location: CUFIE training room @ESCI (floor -4)

On the upcoming Tuesday, October 17th, the Office of Researcher Talent Recruitment (OCPI) is organizing a new training session within the Framework of the Training Cycle in Transversal Competences for research personnel at UDC.

On this occasion, the session will be dedicated to ‘Proposal Writing’ and will take place in the Training Room of CUFIE at ESCI (floor -4), from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The main objective of this training is to learn and practice issues of writing style for proposals and how to navigate the intersection between scientific and journalistic language.

The session will be led by Eva García Muntión, director of RTDI Innovation School. With her, we will learn to manage critical success factors in competitive calls and work on style instruments that increase the ‘readability’ of our proposals.

Session Details:

  • Topic: Persuasive Writing for Competitive Proposal Preparation
  • Date: Tuesday, October 17th
  • Time: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • Location: Training Room of CUFIE at ESCI (floor -4)

During September 26th and 27th, the first two training sessions within the framework of the Training Cycle in Transversal Competences for researchers and technicians at UDC will take place. This training will be held at the ESCI Auditorium (floor -4). These sessions focus on two key aspects for scientific activity: Problem Solving and Communication of Research Results.

Problem Solving (September 26th, 10:00h – 14:00h): During this day, we will combine various gamification dynamics within a series of group work activities. The main objective is to enhance the creative capacity of participants in formulating decision alternatives in the face of a problem.

Communication of Research Results (September 27th, 10:00h – 14:00h): The second training module is focused on teaching the key fundamentals and mechanisms to capture the attention of potential interlocutors and achieve reciprocity in the communication process.

13 JUNE - Financial Aspects in Horizon Europe: LUMP SUM Methodology/

Next Tuesday 13th June, from 10.00 h to 13.00 h, in the Salón de Actos of the ESCI Building of the Elviña Campus, there will be an informative seminar addressed to the research community on the LUMP SUM methodology of Horizon Europe’s projects, taught by EURO-FUNDING EU PROJECTS S.L.

The aim of the session is to provide attendees with a theoretical and practical overview of the LUMP SUM methodology.

You can access the programme of this session and its registration through the following links:


On Wednesday, May 3rd, from 10:00 to 14:00, the second session dedicated to increasing the chances of success of potential candidates from UDC for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF-2023) will be held. The training, organized by the Excellent Science and Talent Recruitment Area of the OTRI, will be delivered by Francisca Gómez (Innoscope), who has more than 20 years of experience as an expert evaluator for the EU Commission.

The session will take place in the training room of CUFIE located on the –4th floor of ESCI, although it will be broadcasted live and accessible afterwards to all interested parties.

We believe that this training will provide candidates and supervisors with a better understanding of the key aspects of the MSCA PF 2023 call, and will provide them with tools to improve the quality of their proposals.

You can access the program for this session and register through the following links:


Next Wednesday, April 26th will take place from 9.00 h to 14.00 h in the Salón de Grados of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Campus of Elviña an informative conference addressed to the research community about the financial justification in the projects of the European Union’s research framework program “Horizonte Europa”, given by the company CET Auditores S.L.

The aim of the conference is to provide attendees with a theoretical and practical vision of the financial aspects that regulate the Horizon Europe program, analysing the main incidents usually detected by auditors when reviewing the financial statements of the projects.

You can access the program of this session through the following link:


The Technology Transfer Office (OTRI) is organizing a two-session training designed to enhance the success of potential candidates for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships at UDC.

The first session will take place virtually on Monday, April 24th from 10:00am to 1:00pm and will be led by Francisca Gómez, an EU Expert Consultant at Innoscope with over 20 years of experience as an expert evaluator for the EU Commission. Please refer to the Programme for more information.

We believe this training will provide candidates and supervisors with a better understanding of the key aspects of the MSCA PF 2023 call and equip them with tools to improve the quality of their proposals.


The Technology Transfer Office (OTRI) is organizing an information session on Thursday, April 20th, to present the services available for attracting talent and promoting excellent scientific research.

Our team of experts will provide an overview of our unit and the services we offer, with a focus on the key programs we support, such as the Ramón y Cajal program, ERC calls, and the MSCA program. There will also be a Q&A session to address any concerns or questions attendees may have.

The session will commence at 10:00am and will be held in CUFIE classroom 3, located on floor -4 of the Central Research Services Building (ESCI).

24 / 25 NOV - Communicating Research Results & Competitive Proposal Writing/

During the 24th and 25th of November, two training sessions were held in the ESCI auditorium dedicated to essential aspects of research projects, such as communication of results and proposal writing.

Both sessions were given by Eva García Muntión (RTDI), thus closing the training cycle in transversal competencies. Eva emphasized the use of specific language adapted to each context, also alluding to the use of different tools and styles to capture the audience’s attention.

You can access the program of these sessions through the following links:

8 NOV - R&I Project Management and Leadership/

On November 8th, the 3rd session of the training cycle in transversal competencies took place in the ESCI auditorium. On this occasion, the training focused on aspects related to management and leadership in R&D projects. The session was attended by members of the research community, as well as management staff of the centers of the UDC.

Once again, Eva García Muntión (RTDI) was in charge of leading the session, using gamification tools to put into practice the central aspects of project management.

You can access the program of the session through the following link:

27 OCT - Prototyping ideas for innovation/

As part of the training cycle in transversal competencies organized by the OTRI, on October 27th a session was held on the generation of innovative ideas, with the participation of research staff and technicians from the university.

The training was given by Eva García Muntión (RTDI). The course focused on exploring methodologies for prototyping innovation ideas and understanding the main components of a project idea and their interrelationships.

You can access the program of the session through the following link:

13 OCT - Training on Strategic Technology Watch/

On October 13th, 2022, a training for UDC researchers, technicians and students on “Strategic Technology Watch” took place in the ESCI auditorium.

The training session was given by Eva García Muntión, director of RTDI innovation school and coordinator of several European projects. Eva provided extensive detail on the fundamental processes of technology watch and introduced some of the tools employed during these processes.

You can access the program of this training through the following link:

29 SEP - Successful proposal preparation for EIC Pathfinder/

On September 29th, the auditorium of the Research Central Services Building (ESCI) at UDC hosted a new training session, this time oriented to the preparation of proposals for the European call “EIC Pathfinder”.

The training was given by Javier Medina, from the consultancy firm QiEurope, who stressed the importance of thinking beyond the scientific component as a success factor for obtaining funding.

You can access the program of this training through the following link:

15-16 XUÑ - R&I Proposal Preparation for Horizon Europe/

On the 15th and 16th of June 2022, the ESCI of the UDC hosted a training program addressed to members of the university community involved in calls of the Horizon Europe Research Framework Programme.

The training, eminently of a practical nature, was given by Javier Medina (QiEurope). The course was mainly focused on the differences between Horizon Europe and the H2020 program, followed by a structural review of the main proposal formats, where several recommendations for the writing of competitive proposals were indicated.

You can access the program of the session through the following link: