

Article 60 of the Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March, on University System (LOSU), established that research groups recognised by the University, departments and university research institutions, as well as their teaching staff, either through these entities or through the bodies, centres, foundations or similar organisational structures of the university dedicated to the channelling of the research initiatives of the teaching staff to the transfer of research results, may sign contracts with individuals, universities or public or private entities for the performance of scientific, technical, humanistic or artistic work, as well as for the development of specific training activities.

According to the UDC Regulations for the recruitment of scientific, technical, artistic, humanistic or teaching services, approved by the Social Council on 29 May 2024, this type of contract may be executed through the UDC or through the different entities permitted to do so (foundations and managing entities that have a specific agreement signed with the UDC to manage this type of contract). All contracts managed by the UDC will be processed directly at the OTRI. Moreover, a digital platform will be created.

Regulations for the recruitment of scientific, technological, artistic and teaching services

Modelo Contrato Art. 60 (Galego)

Modelo Contrato Art. 60 (Español)

Template Contract Art. 60 (English)